Thursday, May 21, 2015

Free Swag at Comic Book Shops in June from DC Entertainment

Wednesdays are New Comic Book Day each week every month throughout the year.  To help keep customers regularly coming through retail store doors and to assist publishers with managing their workload and production the distribution of new comic book issues are scheduled so that releases are evenly spread out throughout the month hitting store shelves on Wednesday.  So comic fans are guaranteed that on most Wednesdays they'll be able to find something brand new to pick up and read if they swing by their neighborhood comic book store.

DC Entertainment has had their comic book series on hiatus in April and May this year as they've focused efforts on promoting several mini-series tied together through a storyline called Convergence during that time span.  At the conclusion of the two month Convergence campaign, 25 of DC's popular monthly titles that existed before the Convergence event will continue again at the point where they left off at in March 2015 plus 24 brand new monthly series will begin with their first issues in June.  To promote the return of fan favorite titles like Batman, The Flash, Superman, and Wonder Woman plus kick off the new serials featuring characters such as Black Canary, Starfire and Bat-Mite, each Wednesday in June DC Entertainment will be giving away FREE swag like posters, temporary tattoos, and cardboard super hero masks at participating retailers.

On June 3rd, DC Entertainment will be distributing Justice League Darkseid vs. Anti-Monitor 11” x 17” posters with art by Jason Fabok; Batman Beyond paper masks; Bat-Mite temporary tattoos; and Bizarro temporary tattoos.

June 10th will feature a Batman 11” x 17” armor blueprint poster; Harley Quinn masks; Starfire 5” x 7” postcards; and Gotham Academy crest stickers.

The promo items for June 17 will be  Justice League Of America 22” x 34” posters with art by Bryan Hitch; Black Canary 11” x 17” concert posters; Robin: Son of Batman paper domino masks; and Prez bumper stickers.

Wrapping up the month on June 24th will be a Superman Daily Planet Replica edition; Grayson Spyral ID cards; We Are…Robin temporary tattoos; and Batgirl paper masks.

Look for these free promotional items on New Comic Book Day each week throughout the month of June.  These aren't extravagant but still these fun little items will probably thrill most kids and put smiles on their faces. I know my kids always love temporary tattoos and would have a lot of fun playing around with these character masks. Oh, and I think that Darkseid poster is pretty darn cool myself!  CLICK HERE to find a comic book shop near you.

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