Originally scripted to highlight the animal telepathy abilities of a new character in the Star Trek: Discovery television series most recent season serving as the companion to Cleveland Booker (David Ajala), producers of the show weren't expecting Grudge the Cat to do more than enhance the background on the set during scenes. This Maine Coon though has herself become a highlight of the show for many Trekkies developing a devoted fanbase. Find out more about the newly crowned queen of TV as well as her musings on life aboard the Starship Discovery flying through space in Hero Collector's newest addition to its cat-alogue of Star Trek titles, The Book of Grudge.
Sharper than the sharpest claw and more stunning than a phaser blast, The Book of Grudge delivers not only Grudge’s snarky purr-sonal take on everything from space travel to the proper care and training of various alien species, but also includes STAR TREK-inspired quotes, and haiku meditations on her most favorite things, including napping and her Star Fleet crew. Enjoy illustrations and pictures where Queen Grudge provides readers with a tour of her kingdom (aka the universe of Star Trek: Discovery). Take a leap into this book by Robb Pearlman to see Star Trek from a feline perspective!
Sorry Sonequa Martin-Green but Grudge has become the star of the show! The Book of Grudge is sure to put a smile on the face of any Star Trek fan who dreams of flying through the stars to explore outer space. A fun book to add to any Star Trek collection!
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