You would think it would be easy to just check ingredient listings to keep her safe, but unfortunately it’s not that simple because most cases of people with food allergies going into anaphylactic shock occur from contamination of a food item when it is being cooked, prepared or served rather than them eating something that had the allergen as a “ingredient.” I love ice cream but because of the potential of contamination when making the ice cream (using same machinery to make a batch with peanut butter than another with a different flavor) or serving it (using the same scoop to put nuts on a sundae as to get a scoop of Superman for a cone) going to the local ice cream stand or Dairy Queen has become a no no for our family now. It doesn’t have to be a noticeable ingredient to cause a reaction, a microscopic contamination could kill my daughter, put her into a coma, or cause her serious organ damage.

I didn’t realize until we had to start monitoring my
daughter’s diet and interactions how prevalent food is at school and social
functions. I have become THAT Dad who
has to tell people NO when it comes to providing treats at school or family
functions. We just can’t risk food prepared
from a bakery or someone’s home where there could be contamination risks. Yes that even means I have to turn down items
baked by grandma because she keeps peanut butter and nuts in her kitchen to
bake with when we aren’t over visiting.
I can see people’s body language when I speak up, like last week when a
woman brought in cupcakes for my daughter’s preschool class for her daughter’s
birthday treat from a bakery that weren’t safe and the teacher said she couldn’t
give them out or when I told my aunt that she couldn’t bring cupcakes to Easter
dinner for our kids from her favorite bakery, that they see me as an
overprotective parent especially when something doesn’t have peanuts or tree nuts
listed as an ingredient. It is OK
though, because I am going to continue to be THAT Dad and do what it takes to
keep my little girl safe.

CLICK HERE to read more about Cameron's story.
These are examples of a 27 year old woman and a 19 year old
woman who knew the precautions they needed to take and still suffered horrible consequences
from food allergy accidents. Now just
picture the trials parents with younger children who may not even be able to
understand their medical conditions face.
Please if you know of anyone with a severe food allergy, especially
children, please understand the significance of their condition, and make an
extra effort to be considerate and understanding. Your kindness will be truly appreciated and
you may just save a life!
For more information about peanut/tree nut allergies visit the FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education)
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