Three things I normally don't talk about on the blog are religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin. This is one of the most interesting election years ever though isn't it? We have a loudmouth candidate who offends almost everyone, a candidate who is all things to all people, even a candidate with some pretty revolutionary ideas about how we should all spend our time on Halloween evenings. No I'm not talking about Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or Gary Johnson but rather Lucy van Pelt, Snoopy, and Linus, who are joining Charlie Brown, Sally, and Franklin, in a very special election to decide which Peanuts character would make the best President.
After seeing the integrity, and smooth dance moves, that he demonstrated in THE PEANUTS MOVIE, Charlie Brown has earned my vote. Who will you choose? Cast your vote right now at
While I'm not going to get embroiled in online debates pitting Republicans versus Democrats, I also won't hesitate to encourage people to take the civic responsibility of voting seriously. With all the hoopla and hype surrounding presidential elections, voter turnout is still only around 60% of the eligible population with that number being even lower among young voters (18 - 24 years old) at 44%. To help encourage more people to get involved in voting during this presidential election year, The Peanuts have partnered with Rock the Vote, a nonprofit voter education organization that encourages young people to register to vote. When fans go to to vote for their favorite Peanuts candidate, they can also utilize the Rock the Vote's custom online voter registration tool so they can make sure to be registered to vote in the real life presidential election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
In addition to providing a nice outlet for getting disengaged people to participate in our country's political process, when young children begin asking about the upcoming election this Peanuts promotion provides a nice way to have an educational civics lesson that encourages kids to want to get involved in voting at an early age without having to talk about the specifics of what is sure to be one of the nastiest campaign seasons in modern history. I'd honestly much rather talk about voting and what the responsibilities of being president are with my 7 year old twins by using Charlie Brown as an example compared to any of the real candidates. So we're going to have a family movie night that will include watching THE PEANUTS MOVIE then have a teachable moment discussing why we vote for people for a variety of jobs; why it is important to vote; and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each Peanuts candidate are; followed by a visit to where we'll all cast our ballots. Four years from now my kids will be old enough to discuss the real candidates with but for now we're just going to let them enjoy being carefree children and stick with basic discussions about politics and government using this nice Peanuts example.
The polling shows a very close race between all six Peanuts candidates. Who do you think is going to win? Go get your votes in at!
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