Tuesday, April 3, 2018

kidsGARDENING Dream Big Contest

kidsGARDENING, a non-profit organization that promotes children and teens learning about and engaging in gardening, is hosting a contest throughout April to get people into the spring spirit and ready for the outdoor planting season.  April is Kids Garden Month and they are hosting their DREAM BIG contest to promote gardens with today's youth as a place for creative expression, community engagement, and as a tool for empowering kids to realize their dreams. They are asking kids under 18 years old to describe a dream garden through artwork, pictures, song or words.

kidsGARDENING will be selecting weekly winners to receive a prize pack courtesy of GARDNERS SUPPLY COMPANY during the month. Prize packs will include a Tubtrug, mason bee house, pollinator journal, seed starting kit, kids garden tools, push gardens, paper pot press, lots of seeds and more!  Plus two grand prize winners will be selected from all entries to win a $250 gift card to help them make their dream gardens become a reality.

There are three ways to enter:

1. Submitting an entry on social media using the hashtag #KidsGardenMonth
2. Email to info@kidsgardening.org
3. Send via snail mail to
132 Intervale Road
Burlington, VT  05401

So get those entries in! Share photos, videos, songs, drawings, essays or poems that communicate what would be a child's dream garden.  Children are also encourages to mention who would visit their dream garden and what they would grow there.  If a child isn't verbal or doesn't write yet, adults are allowed to assist them with putting their entry together. 

Submitting an entry grants kidsGARDENING permission to utilize it for promotional purposes in the future.  Must be a United States resident to be eligible for prizes.  The contest is open from April 1 - 30, 2018.

For more details and information about this contest, please visit kidsgardening.org 

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