Sunday, September 30, 2018

Why BIZ Works

Every parent knows that life can be messy when it comes to raising kids. Fall weather is here so for my family that involves trying to keep our kids' soccer uniforms spiffy despite the grass stains and mud splatters that tend to occur during games this time of year.  You encourage your kids to always play hard but but that doesn't mean they need to look dingy from the abuse their jerseys, shorts and socks receive on the playing field. So we've teamed up with BIZ STAIN FIGHTER to keep our soccer players' uniforms looking sharp!

BIZ Stain Fighter is specially formulated to tackle tough stains. Different stains require different elements to eliminate them: detergents, whitening ingredients, peroxides and enzymes. BIZ incorporates all of these stain fighters into its ingredients. Plus because BIZ Stain Fighter is the only brand with Enzamix™, a unique blend of enzymes designed to quickly dissolve bacteria causing stains and odors from grass, sweat, blood and more, it has an edge in fighting stains. That combined with Biz incorporating all four key elements to treating stains together in one mixture is why BIZ works better than other brands.

BIZ is currently available as a powder, liquid, and liquid booster. Add these along with your normal detergent to every load of wash to boost your cleaning power and eliminate tough stains. The liquid is also great for pre-treating stains before throwing them into the washing machine. Coming soon is BIZ-ON-THE-GO a portable stain eliminator pen to help combat messes as they happen while you are out and about.

A Geek Daddy is a BIZ Stain Fighter brand ambassador receiving complimentary product and posting sponsored posts throughout 2018. Stay tuned for more tips and stories about overcoming tough to get out stains using BIZ. For more information head over to

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