Thursday, April 2, 2020


virtual running
I've partnered with the Healthy Kids Running Series to get my kids outside and exercising during the pandemic shutdown of schools. Beginning April 17, 2020 each week my kids are going to be participating in a virtual race while still maintaining social distancing. Join us in lacing up our sneakers for this VIRTUAL RUNNING SPRING 2020 program.

A virtual race is an event that can be run (or walked) from any location you choose.  Instead of doing the run as a big group though everyone does their route separately and shares how they did online. Kids can run, jog or walk on the grass, on the sidewalk, along a trail, on a treadmill or around a track.

Participants run a designated distance based upon their age each week, at their own pace, then Mom or Dad report the time! Parents upload their kids time after each race into the program's online Results Page. My son and daughter will be running a mile as 5th graders.

Preschoolers run a 50 or 5 yard dash. Kindergarten and First Grade do 1/4 mile. 2nd & 3rd graders run 1/2 mile. 4th Grade and up do a full mile.

This virtual running program lasts for 5 weeks starting April 17. Pick a distance (50 Yard Dash, 75 Yard Dash, 1/4 Mile Run, 1/2 Mile Run, or 1 Mile Run) and run it each week. See how times improve each week. Kids should strive to reach a personal record each week! Practice is encouraged throughout the week but their should only be one official designated effort that is timed for their weekly submission. The Healthy Kids Virtual Running Series is for children from preschool through 8th Grade.

Once the shelter in place orders have been restricted there will be local awards ceremonies where participants receive a t-shirt and finishers medal. Registration is $35 for the virtual running series. Go to to enroll.

dad blogger

When parents head over to the website to sign up they will be asked to enter their zip code. Then a listing of nearby awards ceremony locations will be displayed. Make sure there is one near you so your kids can get their swag.

If you want to know the distances for sure they will also be marked at the location you've registered to participate through so your family can go there to do the activities. Just make sure to maintain social distancing if other people are there while you are. So kids can run around their neighborhood, at a community green space or go to the officially designated event spot near you to participate whenever your family has the time during each week to do the event. Here is where our local event spot is:

Share your running photos while doing events with the Healthy Kids Running virtual community! On Facebook mention  @HealthyKidsRunning​ or @healthykidsrs​ on Instagram using hashtags #GetUpandGo + #HealthyKidsVirtual

The Healthy Kids Running Series is normally held as outdoor group events with participants running together at a designated time and place.  More than 60,000 youth runners in more than 300 communities across the United States have participated in local Healthy Kids Running Series events. 2020's Spring running series though will need to consist of virtual events now and group awards ceremonies later due to the pandemic.  This program engages communities and families by providing an inclusive youth running experience, inspiring kids to believe in themselves and lead active healthy lifestyles. Making lemonade out of sour lemons they are still promoting that  goal though in a different format.

virtual races

Join a geek daddy in having your kids join in this virtual running series for youth. Sign up before April 17 so you are starting off with everyone else. Get out, keep active, go for a run! Parents head over to for more information and to get the kids in your family signed up.

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