As my kids have entered middle-school, we've had some tear jerking moments regarding bullying and peer pressure that have put them in some tough situations. The tween and teen-aged years are a time of finding self-identity and it can be hard for kids to stay true to their self nature as they feel compelled to fit in with the crowd. This can cause anxiety, misbehavior and other troubles as kids try to be who others want them to be.
That is why establishing a good foundation of self worth and confidence with children in their preschool and elementary school years is so important. One way of doing that is exposing them to uplifting messaging while having an entertaining time by the family enjoying kindie rock together. With that in mind, I wanted to give a plug to the newest album from The Harmonica Pocket titled SING YOUR SONG which is filled with music that is not just fun to listen to but has content to promote the value of self-identity and being proud to be your own person with children.
The Harmonic Pocket is led by singer-songwriter Keeth Monta Apgar. He is joined by a number of musical artists in this album made for families to enjoy together. SING YOUR SONG revolves around the theme of "being yourself, in hopes of empowering young people," Apgar mentioned in pitching the album to a Geek Daddy. “The primary message could be summed up in this couplet from the title song: ‘You may not sound like everybody else/But you sound just like yourself.’ In other words, be yourself because you’re the only one who can sing the song that lives inside your heart.”
One of Apgar’s favorite vocalists, Renee Stahl, of Renee & Jeremy, sings harmony on the title track. Renee and Apgar are accompanied on electric bass by beloved children’s musician Johnny Bregar and by first-call Seattle drummer Eric Eagle. Check out a special solo acoustic performance of the title track Sing Your Song by Apgar that is a little bit unique from the song on the album:
I tell my kids that they can do anything they set their minds to.