A new animated show aimed at introducing preschoolers to a galaxy far, far away is debuting May the Fourth on the Disney Junior cable network and Disney Plus streaming service. STAR WARS: YOUNG JEDI ADVENTURES has Jedi Master Yoda guiding younglings as they study the ways of the Force, explore the galaxy, help citizens and creatures in need, and learn valuable skills needed to become Jedi along the way. The stories in this series' episodes take place during the High Republic era of Star Wars' canon long before the immergence of the Empire and Clone Wars' Order 66 which wiped out the Jedi.
Disney has released a series of shorts that are available to view for FREE now on YouTube and can be streamed on Disney+ beginning April 26 to promote the animated series before its May 4, 2023 premiere:
Meet the Young Jedi -- Kai, Lys, and Nubs work together to battle a training droid at the Jedi Temple on Tenoo.
Lys’ Creature Caper -- Lys follows the clues to retrieve an adorable creature running amok through the Jedi Temple.Kai’s Daring Droid Rescue -- When her droid RJ-83 is in trouble, Nash calls on Kai to help rescue him.
STAR WARS: YOUNG JEDI ADVENTURES stars Jamaal Avery, Jr. as Kai Brightstar, Juliet Donenfeld as Lys Solay, Dee Bradley Baker as Nubs, Emma Berman as Nash Durango, Jonathan Lipow as RJ-83, and Piotr Michael as Master Yoda. This new show is sure to be a fun way to make Star Wars Day stand out. I'm sure a lot of kids and their Star Wars fan parents will be geeked to see it. May the Fourth be with You!
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