Thursday, February 22, 2024


distracted driving awareness scholarships

Know a Michigan high school student in the 11th or 12th grade planning on attending college? Let them know about this contest hosted by Michigan Auto Law which promotes bringing attention to the problem of distracted driving that has scholarship money for prizes. The law firm hopes to inspire change and raise awareness, by encouraging Michigan high school juniors and seniors to submit a persuasive message about the dangers of distracted driving for young drivers. Applications for the 2024 scholarship are being accepted now through March 31, 2024, at

The contest and scholarships are in recognition of Kelsey Raffaele, who tragically lost her life in a cell phone-related automobile crash in 2010 at the age of 17.  Her mother Bonnie lobbied for the passage of Kelsey’s Law which was passed in Michigan in 2013 that prohibits cell phone use by new drivers.  Bonnie Raffaele provides guidance and helps select the annual winners to receive the Kelsey's Law scholarships.

michigan auto law
Kelsey Raffaele

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Michigan Traffic Crash Facts, nearly 23% of distracted driving-related crashes in Michigan in 2021 involved drivers aged 15 to 20. Furthermore, 8% of distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes in the U.S. in 2020 were teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19. These statistics emphasize the urgent need to address distracted driving among young drivers.

To be considered as a recipient of the 2024 Kelsey's Law Distracted Driving Awareness Scholarship, Michigan students are invited to submit compelling videos, graphics, or tweets that resonate with their peers and influence safe driving behavior. Entries will be judged based on their ability to persuade others to stop texting while driving, grab the attention of friends and family, deliver a clear and understandable message, and showcase personal creativity and ingenuity. The scholarship offers various award amounts, including $2,000 for the overall best submission, $1,500 for the best video submission, $1,000 for the best graphic submission, and $500 for the best tweet submission. Each student is limited to one type of submission.

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