Thirty years after Mike Mignola created Hellboy, the legendary cartoonist is introducing readers to a brand new shared universe, created with frequent collaborator Ben Stenbeck, the writer/artist of the acclaimed series Our Bones Dust. In December, Dark Horse Comics will publish Bowling With Corpses and Other Strange Tales From Lands Unknown, an anthology of folklore-inspired fantasy stories written and illustrated by Mignola, colored by Dave Stewart, and lettered by Clem Robins. The book will be the first publication from Curious Objects, Mignola’s new imprint at Dark Horse and will set the stage for more weird, wicked, and whimsical stories in the “Lands Unknown” universe from Mignola and Stenbeck.
“It all started with an Italian Folktale about a boy who goes bowling with corpses,” Mignola commented to “I fell in love with the story as soon as I discovered it but I wanted to play fast and loose when adapting it, so I created a whole new world. Not TOO different than our world a few centuries ago, but with a lot more gods and monsters. Once I created that world new characters and stories just started pouring out of it. There is a whole lot to play with here and I expect to be at it for a very long time.”
For more updates on this and future Tales from Lands Unknown follow @artofmmignola, @DarkHorseComics, @BenStenbeck and @Geekdad248 on Twitter. Yes, I'm still calling it "Twitter" because despite someone else calling it "X" all the social media site's url code still refers to Anyhow I'm still tweeting ... give me a shout out if you are too.
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