A brand new Star Wars animated television show titled Rebels will be debuting in October. Star Wars: Rebels is scheduled to premiere on October 3rd with a one hour special Star Wars: Rebels- Sparks of Rebellion on the Disney Channel. Half hour episodes will than routinely air on Monday nights each week on the cable channel Disney XD beginning on October 13th. The premise behind the tv series that is set 5 years before the original Star Wars move "A New Hope" is that a motley crew of a spaceship called the Ghost begins harassing the Empire in an effort to spark a rebellion.
Other characters in the show include:
Kanan Jarrus a survivor of the Empire's purge of the Jedi. After barely surviving Order 66 he went underground hiding in obscurity until discovered by the owner of the Ghost, Hera Syndulla. He is now the leader of the Ghost's crew doing his best to inflict harm against the power of the Empire.
Hera Syndulla is the Twi'lek owner and pilot of the Ghost.
Sabine Wren is a Mandalorian warrior who is an expert in combat, weapons and explosives. She fancies herself as an artist who loves to tag Imperial facilities with graffiti after an attack.
Ezra Bridger is a 14 year old pickpocket and con artist who the crew of the Ghost find living on an Outer Rim world. Unknown to him one of the reasons he is able to get out of so many jams is that he is gifted with the ability to use the Force.
To help up the excitement for Rebels, Disney has released four short youtube videos to promote the excitement for this new series:
In “The Machine in the Ghost,” the
rebels’ Ghost starship is under attack by a wave of TIE fighters. Hera
pilots the craft, while Kanan tries to blast the Imperials from the
Ghost’s gunner. While they do evade and shoot down several TIEs, it’s up
to astromech droid Chopper to finish the job – even if he’s reluctant
to do so.
In “Art Attack,” Sabine sneaks into an
Imperial compound, looking to create a diversion for her friends aboard
the Ghost. Spotted by stormtroopers, she proves too quick to be
captured – and leaves behind an explosive surprise.
In “Entanglement,” Zeb fails to meet
with Kanan at a specified rendezvous point…and instead finds himself
joyfully battling many, many stormtroopers.
For more information about Star Wars: Rebels CLICK HERE
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