Thursday, September 10, 2015

Child Passenger Safety Week Amazon Giftcard Giveaway

** I am sharing this post as part of a Bloggin' Mamas Social Good Campaign, and was not compensated for doing so **

Spread the Message and Win! Help everyone make sure they have #therightseat for their child. Giveaway ends 9/24/15. US 18+ 
A Geek Daddy is joining with our friends the Blog­gin’ Mamas to sup­port­ the Ad Coun­cil and The Depart­ment of Transportation’s National High­way Traf­fic Safety Admin­is­tra­tion (NHTSA) by shar­ing the word about Child Pas­sen­ger Safety Week (September 13-19, 2015) and National Seat Check Saturday (September 19, 2015). Did you know that motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children age 1 to 13 within the United States? Stats show that every 33 seconds there is an automobile crash which includes a child under 13 as a passenger in one or more of the involved vehicles. That is why it is so important for children to be properly seated within a moving vehicle.

One of the goals of Child Passenger Safety Week is to encourage parents and caregivers to visit to determine if their child is in the right seat for his or her age and size and to locate a car inspection event in their area.  Additionally, parents and caregivers are urged to register their child's car seat with the manufacturer so as to be informed in the event of a recall.

To help promote awareness on this topic and encourage parents to make sure their children are riding in #therightseat, A Geek Daddy and the Bloggin' Mamas are sponsoring this $100 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway! Give­away begins Sep­tem­ber 10th, 2015 at 12:01 am and ends September 24th, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST. Open to US res­i­dents age 18 and older. Win­ner will be selected by and be noti­fied by email. See Giveaway Tools wid­get below for full terms & conditions.

Dis­clo­sure: Blog­gin’ Mamas is host­ing this give­away and coor­di­nat­ing prize ful­fill­ment. Ele­ment Asso­ciates, The Ad Coun­cil and the NHTSA are in no way respon­si­ble for the give­away, and only pro­vided the above con­tent to be dis­trib­uted in the form of a PSA

Here are some Car Seat Safety Tips:
  • Find a car seat that fits your child.  As children grow, how they sit in your car will change.  Make sure the car seat you purchase is designed to fit your child's current size and age and allows some room to grow.
  • Not all car seats fit in all vehicles so test the car seat you plan to buy to make sure it fits well in your vehicle. Before putting your child in a car seat, read the manufacturer's instructions so you know how your car seat works and how to install it. 
  • Before putting your child in a car seat, read the manufacturer’s instructions so you know how your car seat works and how to install it
  • All-in-One car seats offer you the advantage of using the same seat for the following positions: rear-facing, forward-facing with harness, then booster. These seats typically have higher height and weight limits for the rear-facing position, allowing you to keep your child rear-facing for a longer period of time, which physicians and safety experts strongly recommend. 
  • Remember, the best car seat is the one that fits your child properly, is easy to use, fits in your vehicle correctly, and which you’ll use every time. 
 The information here can help you choose the right seat for your child. Keep in mind that:
  •  Children ages 1-3 should be kept rear-facing as long as they fit the car seat. 
  •  Keep your child in the back seat at least through age 12. 
  • Be certain you've installed your car seat correctly by having it checked at an inspection station or by a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. Bring the car seat instructions AND the vehicle owner’s manual with you to a seat check appointment! 

Here Are Some Car Seat Installation Resources:

If a car seat is not installed correctly, your child's safety could be compromised. Every car seat has different installation instructions. You can find resources and tips here to help you get “the right fit” on your car seats:

Free Car Seat Inspections: During Child Passenger Safety Week, there will be events across the country where Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians will inspect car seats and show parents and caregivers how to correctly install and use them. In most cases, this service is free of charge. Locate a car seat check event here:

Have more questions? Join the Child Passenger Safety Week Twitter Chat on 9/16/15 2p-3p EST. Follow @NHTSAgov and #therightseat.

child passenger safety twitter party flyer


  1. I learned the real and proper way to install a car seat.

  2. I learned that every car seat has different installation instructions.

  3. I learned how to register your car seat, to receive car seat and booster seat recall notices.
