Here are some ways dads create golden experiences with their kids at Goldfish Swim School:
Getting kids comfortable in water at an early age is a great way to teach them some water safety skills, interest them in swimming, obtain some exercise, and have some fun. Goldfish Swim School has a Mini Class which has parents get in the pool with their children that are between the ages of 4 and 35 months. Instructors lead classes that include entertaining activities and games plus instill safety tips meant to provide children with the wherewithal to assist themselves in avoiding drowning accidents.
There are a lot of fathers who participate in these Mini Class sessions with their sons and daughters. In fact, some of these parent - tot classes are made up of just dads. This is a great opportunity for getting the skin-to-skin contact with young children that pediatricians recommend that fathers normally don't provide as much as mothers do. It is also a nice opportunity to spend some dad time bonding with a child.
For older children who are diving into the pool on their own for swimming lessons without dad or mom getting into the water with them, there is still an opportunity for spending parenting time at Goldfish Swim School. There is a viewing area for parents to observe swimming lessons and children appreciate knowing someone is paying attention to their efforts. Plus after every lesson each parents gets an individualized update on a child's progress from an instructor. After class, kids often need help washing up, changing clothes and getting ready to go home. There are plenty of ways for dads to be involved without getting into the water themselves.FAMILY SWIM TIME
Goldfish Swim School offers open swim hours where members can enjoy some family time together in the pool. You will often see dads in the pool working with kids on practicing their swim stokes or just having playing with their children. These are a nice way for dads to spend some quality time with their families.SWIM FORCE MEETS
The Goldfish Swim Force promotes swimming as an athletic endeavor and hosts quarterly competitive meets for participants. Swim Force members are children who tend to be over 8 years old and have passed all of the swimming lesson levels but still want to be involved with Goldfish Swim School. These are great events for dads to cheer on children to show support and encouragement.Goldfish Swim School really is a great place to spend some dad time with kids. I've had a great experience myself and encourage other dads to dive on in and get involved with swimming as an activity for your family to get involved with. Goldfish Swim School is great at having scheduling that works around busy schedules and a liberal class cancellation and make up policy. They make a great effort to fit into your personal and professional obligations rather than you having to make your time available to fit into your schedule. Their customer service is really outstanding with a focus on catering to families with children between the ages of 4 months and 12 years old.
For more information about programs and locations, head on over to
A Geek Daddy is a Goldfish Swim School Brand Ambassador. I receive complimentary services and products in exchange for sharing my experiences with my audience. Opinions expressed are honest and my own. We've been partnering with Goldfish Swim School for several years and I wouldn't have continued this arrangement for so long if my kids weren't getting value and enjoyment out of it. Goldfish Swim School has absolutely earned a Geek Daddy nod of approval for the golden experience my family has had with them.
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