Saturday, October 9, 2021


balancing work with a new baby

Juggling the responsibilities that come with your job as well as handling a new baby can sometimes feel like an impossible task. That being said, there are things that you can do to try and make it easier on yourself. Here are a few dad life tips for balancing work with a new baby. 

Set up a Calendar 

Having a place where everyone’s schedules meet up with one another properly will really help you to manage everything. You need to try and keep an eye on everyone’s comings and goings. You also need to try and make sure that you manage the chaos that comes with family life. 

At a glance, you need to be able to see what you are doing that week. Ideally, you will document things for the whole family, including your new baby. Create a shared calendar, which can be either on Google or even on a family organizer app. Doing this will allow you to access your calendar on your phone when on the go or you can easily keep track of things when around the house. 

Your calendar should ideally make it clear, who is going to be picking up your child from daycare on any given day. It should also note any additional changes, whether there is going to be a doctor’s appointment or whether there are going to be any other commitments. Daycare closings and work obligations are important and therefore should be listed and highlighted. 

Find Good Childcare 

One way for you to try and alleviate a lot of the stress and the guilt about going to work is finding great childcare. It doesn’t matter whether you choose a nanny or whether you choose to go to a large daycare center because you have to try and do your research. You need to get recommendations and you also need to interview any day centers if you can. By doing this, you can then make sure that everyone is going to be happy with the decision and you can also communicate any concerns that you might have. Remember that a child being in daycare doesn't mean you still won't be a huge part of his or her life. 

Divide and Conquer 

Sharing your responsibilities can help to make a lot of difference. Try and get your partner involved as much as possible and also make sure that you are both on the same page. Coordinate any of your schedules and also make sure that you discuss any childcare arrangements. 

Don’t forget to make a sick day plan too. If your child gets sick and they need to go to the doctor then you need to find out who is going to handle that, and who is going to leave work early. If you can anticipate needs like this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to try and stay on top of things. 

Have a Babysitter 

Even the best-laid plans can fall through from time to time. That is why it is a good idea for you to have a babysitter in place. You need someone who can step in if your current babysitter cancels or if you find that your daycare is closed. If you can anticipate needs like this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to get the best result out of your hard work. Look out for the signs of baby growth spurts to prepare for any extra food or clothing they may need to avoid potential difficulties for your caregiver while you are at work. 

Make your Mornings Easy 

Create a routine that is consistent if you can. Ideally, your routine needs to be consistent for your child and any other family members. If you can do this, then you will be able to get out of the door faster or if you work from home, you will be able to get a much faster start. 

Babies and children tend to be unpredictable, so try and be realistic and also be flexible with your schedule. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you can deal with any situation. Try and do all your preparation the night before so you aren't rushed in the morning. This can include packing up lunches and snacks, but it can also include preparing bottles and even laying out everyone’s clothes. It may also include showering, getting a diaper bag ready and just being organized in general. If you can do this, then you will soon find life is a whole lot easier.

Work Support 

Make sure that you have an honest and open relationship with your employer if you can. Talk to them about illness and ask them, when you do get back to work, what their policies are for sick children. You might want to ask them if you can work from home if your child does fall ill, or if it is possible for you to work a flexible schedule. The same should apply to any doctor’s appointments. If you need two hours at an appointment, is it possible for you to make up that time in the future? 

Ask About Leave 

Ask about leave as well. Leave policies don’t tend to be standardized at all, so talk with your employer about baby bonding, paternity leave, personal leave, unpaid leave, sick leave and more. If you are able to do all of this then everyone will know where they stand and you may even find that it is more than possible for you to get the support you need, when you need it. 

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