It is amazing how kids can be so in tune to the analytics of sports yet think math is boring and uninteresting. With math skills and scores on the decline and showing historic lows in schools across the country, Learn Fresh, a national education nonprofit dedicated to enhancing students interest in STEM and developing social-emotional achievement with children, has created a learning tool that utilizes the excitement of basketball to make practicing math problems fun. Partnering with NBA Cares, Hasbro, and NBA/WNBA teams to create basketball themed apps that are both educational and entertaining. NBA Math Hoops apps have kids enjoying engaging in math through competitive basketball themed games.
Available for FREE to be used by students in Grades 3 - 8, there are two apps to choose from both of which are available for Apple and Android devices. These learning apps star NBA and WNBA players and and utilize real statistics. Both apps reinforce fundamental math skills in a fun, data-rich environment as well as assist kids with building fluency through engaging gameplay. Suddenly fractions, decimals, percentages, and exponents are just a part of the game, and students are freed from the anxiety that often comes with traditional math learning.
Students start off with NBA MATH HOOPS and can continue expand upon that experience with Learn Fresh's follow-up app NBA MATH HOOPS SKILLS & DRILLS. The NBA Math Hoops App features a digital board game with real-time NBA and WNBA player stats. Kids can spend as little as a few minutes at a time or a whole weekend with this fun and educational app, and they can play independently or as part of a class assignment. NBA Math Hoops Skills + Drills App is a complementary app that similarly hones elementary and middle school math skills through basketball mini-games. Boths apps are available to download for FREE on the App Store and Google Play.
NBA Math Hoops App • Free • Grades 3 to 8
Download the NBA Math Hoops Mobile App for free in the App Store and Google Play. The playful program helps build fluency with fundamental math skills through a fun, basketball-themed game with authentic NBA and WNBA player statistics that update in real-time! Compete in Quick Play or League Play modes and enter a classroom code to play in a league format with your peers. Great for use in the classroom, after school, or in-home learning environments.
NBA Math Hoops Skills & Drills App • Free • Grades 3 to 8
Ready for some drills? NBA Math Hoops Skills + Drills App helps young learners build fluency with fundamental math skills through a fun, fast-paced game that simulates the NBA All-Star Skills competition. The app complements the core NBA Math Hoops App and is designed for students looking to take their mental math and NBA Math Hoops play to the next level. Available for free in the App Store and Google Play.
While the game may use stats to make math less intimidating to students, NBA Math Hoops has some scored some impressive stats of its own: Students completing the full program demonstrate 35% improvement in math fluency and 18% improvement in data analysis skills, and a whopping 92% of educators report that students find math more accessible, relevant, and engaging through the program. As a parent, I've always been a fan of making learning both entertaining and educational so that kids consider schooling an enjoyable challenge rather than an uninteresting chore. So I'm geeked about the efforts of Learn Fresh in developing learning tools that embrace people's sports fandom to get them excited about math.
If you know a child in third through eighth grade, encourage him or her to check out NBA MATH HOOPS! It is FREE, FUN and helps develop a fundamental skill needed to get ahead in today's society. Time to play some hoops!
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