Saturday, September 14, 2019


Fantasy Flight Games
This dad blogger has been having a lot of fun playing the Fantasy Flight dice and card game Star Wars: Destiny with his kids. This game that is part strategy and part luck lets players pretend they are engaged in a duel between some of their favorite characters from a galaxy far, far away.  Build a deck of cards to equip your characters with weapons, gear, special abilities and vehicles. Roll dice to determine a character's success, or failure, at using these features. Defeat your opponents to win control of Star Wars places ranging from Hoth to Jakku. Star Wars: Destiny is a great way to spend some game night family time.

Up to now, we've been playing with the Star Wars: Destiny starter kit which limits players to four characters (Rey and Poe Dameron [Resistance] versus Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma [First Order]. While we've been having a good time playing with these characters, it was time to add some more depth to the game. So when I saw GameStop had a sale on Star Wars: Destiny booster packs, I picked up a few packs to enhance our gameplay experiences.

Fantasy Flight Games releases booster pack sets approximately every four months that add new content to Star Wars: Destiny allowing players to expand beyond the starter kit. These are sold at hobby stores and other retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart, and GameStop in a blind bag format so you don't know exactly what you are adding to your Star Wars: Destiny game collection until you rip open a pack. This adds an element of surprise to the game as you never know what you will get from a booster pack or what other opponents might be able to bring to the table in a match against you.

booster packs

Booster packs include 1 die and 5 cards in each blind bag. Not all cards are equally easy to find as there is a variety of rarity and randomness to placement in booster packs. The cards consist of 1 random legendary (which are ultra rare or rare to find), 1 uncommon, and 3 common per blind bag.  So you may never be able to find some of the legendary cards, have a hard time collecting the uncommon ones and could have a number of duplicates of the common variety.

The cards you receive could let you play as a specific character, choose a battlefield location, get a boost from an event or provide support or upgrades to a character. So you could receive a card that lets you play as a CHARACTER such as Luke Skywalker, choose a BATTLEFIELD location like Crait, use an EVENT to give yourself an edge, receive  UPGRADES that include weapons (lightsabers for example) and gear, or SUPPORT like a health bonus through getting some encouragement from Obi-Wan Kenobi's force ghost.  Each time a new booster pack set comes out a combination of 180 new cards and die are added to the playability of the game. The blind bags they come in are sold in boxes which contain 36 packs. These packs can be purchased individually or you can buy a whole box at once.

So here's what we discovered in the three booster pack blind bags that we purchased from GameStop to expand upon our Fantasy Flights Games Star Wars Destiny Experience:

Star Wars Destiny Booster Pack 1

Star Wars Destiny Booster pack

The good news is we added our first new player character that can be used in Star Wars: Destiny matches. Bad news is it was Jar Jar Binks. Doah! The die included in the blind bag supports that player character card. Ok we are starting off with adding a clumsy outcast to the characters we can play with.

We also pulled 3 event cards. One can be played during the match to improve a die roll when on the attack. Another when used lets you reroll the number of die during a turn that matches the number of upgrades your character is equipped with. The third event card lets you inflict some extra damage on your opponent by showing some bravado.

This blind bag also contained one support card. When used you can reroll up to 2 of your die during a turn thanks to the assistance of a backup specialist intervening in your duel.  We didn't get any battlefield or upgrade cards in the first booster pack we opened.

Star Wars Destiny Booster Pack 2

Fantasy Flight Games

In this pack we pulled 4 event cards that can be played during the game to provide a one-time advantage. We also received our first new upgrade card that came with a related die to its abilities. This card and die combo gives you some extra control over how you utilize your character and support cards during a match. There really wasn't anything too exciting in this booster pack.

Star Wars Destiny Booster Pack 3

booster packs

We just added a Jedi to our playable characters! My daughter was excited about us pulling Jedi General from the Clone Wars Aayla Secura from this blind bag. She has the special ability of being able to manipulate die rolls during a match when you roll a specific symbol on her accompanying die from this booster pack.

We also pulled 3 event cards and a support card that can be used for deck building. Using these type of cards throughout a game makes strategizing and thinking out moves an important part of this game. The Dark Scheme event card could really come in handy as it lets you look at the cards in your opponents deck, exhaust one so it can't be used, and manipulate the order in which the others can be utilized in the game.

So as these blind bag openings show, you don't know beforehand how purchasing Star Wars Destiny booster packs will impact your gaming options. We were hoping to get some new characters to use in our Star Wars Destiny duels and that was a mixed result. Aayla Secura … yeah! Jar Jar Binks … boo!

We were also hoping to get some new upgrades that our characters could use during matches and battlefield locations to use in Star Wars Destiny games which the blind bag results were disappointing. But on the other hand we did get some really good event and support cards that add some interesting new dynamics to the playability of the game.

From our experience, we've shown you can obtain some nice additions to build out the playability of the Star Wars Destiny Starter Kit. But you also are going to need to purchase a lot more than 3 packs of booster packs to really enhance the content of the game. How many that is really depends on how much you want to be invested in the game.

card and dice game

For more information on Star Wars Destiny including the rules of the game and available cards/die in booster packs, go to

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