A mild-mannered bird and his two wild best friends embark on a series of hilarious adventures in Nickelodeon’s brand-new animated series Harvey Beaks, debuting Sunday, March 29, at 7:00p.m. (ET/PT). This 26-episode series, created and executive produced by C.H. Greenblatt , tells the story of the unlikely friendship between Harvey, a kid who’s never broken the rules, and Fee and Foo, his two friends who’ve never lived by any. Greenblatt returns to Nickelodeon after beginning his career in animation as a storyboard artist and writer on SpongeBob SquarePants. He later created and executive produced Chowder and was a storyboard artist and writer for The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy at Cartoon Network. Greenblatt also directed his own version of the character Deadman for Cartoon Network's DC Nation shorts.
Greenblatt's newest creation is set in a magical forest and follows one sweet bird on his mission to experience wild adventures with the help of his two best friends. Harvey, Fee and Foo’s connection only grows stronger throughout the series as they push each other into endless fun. On Sunday, March 29, at 7:00p.m. (ET/PT), the series will launch in its regular timeslot with “The Spitting Tree.” Spitting from the highest tree in Littlebark is fun until the kids realize they can’t get back down.
“Carl Greenblatt’s very funny and heart-warming stories fit directly in with Nickelodeon’s DNA and sensibilities,” noted Russell Hicks, President of Content Development and Production, Nickelodeon, in a press release provided to A Geek Daddy blog. “In Harvey Beaks, viewers have the opportunity to discover the joys, triumphs and fears of growing up through thoughtful characters who push their limits and step out of their personal comfort zones.”
Beginning March 26, you visit the Harvey Beaks page on Nick.com and the Nick App to learn more about the show and its characters, get a behind-the-scenes look at the series and play new games including “Harvey Beaks Pe-Choo!” and take the quiz "Which Character Are You?”. Episodes of Harvey Beaks will be available on Nick.com and the Nick App, along with platforms including iTunes, Amazon, Xbox, Google Play, Vudu, Playstation, Hulu and VOD.
Here's a little bit more information on the show's main characters:
Harvey is a
well-behaved kid who lives by the rules and gets a kick out of making
his world a nice, neat and orderly place, but behind his innocence burns
an adventurous, yet thoughtful spirit. He is not a kid who can easily
break rules, so in order to get the most out of life, he re-writes them
in his own earnest way. Where Harvey leads, his best friends, Fee and
Foo always follow. Fee and Foo’s wild nature inspire him to take bigger
risks. With friends like these, Harvey might get into more trouble, but
he will also have more fun.
Fee is a
kid who sinks her pointy teeth into childhood. She’s fiercely loyal,
confident and dirty. Since she’s never had anyone to tell her what to
do, she does exactly what she wants. As much as Harvey follows rules,
Fee follows her heart. She’s rough and tumble and driven by what seems
fun and interesting in the moment. Like her hair, she’s completely
untamed and wild, willing to risk everything for her friends or her
Foo is like
a puppy. He likes sticks, eating bugs, running and chewing on things.
Foo is the most impulsive of the three friends. He can be totally
energized one minute and fast asleep the next. Foo considers Harvey his
very best friend and Harvey feels the same, which is nice because Harvey
can teach Foo about taking baths and wearing pants. He has a pure heart
and, if he had sleeves, he would wear it on them.
Tune in to Nickelodeon on Sundays starting March 29th to follow the adventures of Harvey, Fee & Foo in the magical forest of Littlebark.
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