Friday, August 6, 2021


geek daddy

You don’t need to abandon your interest once you have kids. Having a family is a great way to embrace your interest and hobbies and to allow for it to be bonding time. A fun way to let out your inner geekiness is to do it with your children. 

I enjoy the geeky side of life doing all sorts of activities together with my own children; including reading comic books, watching cartoons and sci-fi movies and playing superhero themed tabletop games like Marvel United. Sharing your favorite characters and hobbies is an unforgettable way to have a great time and to build relationships. Here are a few examples of some entertaining activities that you can do to let out your inner geek with the kids:

Participate in a Convention

Conventions are one of the best ways to immerse yourself in your fanship of superheroes and science fiction. Conventions these days are almost always geared towards all ages, so you shouldn’t need to be concerned about your child seeing anything inappropriate. There are so many different types of conventions for any geek culture niche focused on topics such as anime, comic books, sci-fi, and so many others. Some conventions may be themed on a specific topic such as Star Wars or Star Trek while others are all encompassing of anything mass grouping of fans would geek out about.  

Cosplay is huge at conventions. This gives your kid a chance to dress up and to see other people in costumes as well. There are so many activities and vendors at these conventions that it also brings in a great opportunity for your child to be exposed to other possible interests as well. This can also give you the chance to find some fun games to purchase in the vendor section too. 

Go to a Science Museum 

Museums are great for giving the kids an educational experience while at the same time being a family fun activity for the parents too. Whether your family visits a space center, natural history museum, a zoo, or any other type of science museum be sure to drop some knowledge on your kids. Allow them to explore their surroundings because this could open up a passion for science too. Don’t forget to check out the gift shops because some of them may be educational toys or kits to keep your child learning.

Play Together 

There are plenty of fun activities that you can do at home with your kids. LEGO sets are a great way to get the whole family involved to spend an afternoon together. Other ideas would be playing video games together whether it be a console or PC. But also educational toys and equipment such as telescopes so the children can learn more about space. 

Outdoor activities are a great way to get a breath of fresh air while also doing something fun such as getting paintball pods for a game. If your kids love to play pretend, you can do a bit of LARPing them too. Regardless of what you do, guide your child during playtime, let them explore what their options are so they can keep concentrated, have fun, and bond with their parents. 

Watching a TV or Movie Marathon 

Thanks to streaming services, there are plenty of ways to watch old shows and movies. This is a great way to introduce your children to pop culture but also give them a taste of what some of your interests are. Figure out what your kid likes and whether or not there's something out there that’s kid-friendly for them. Binging on shows and movies together as a family is a great way to spend an entire day relaxing while keeping the kids entertained too.

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